La International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other European associations are trying to detect the causes of the low presence of women in the maritime sector to put a remedy. The reality is that this sector has historically been dominated by men. In Europe, only 2% of the jobs in the sector are held by women .

How to reverse the situation

Given the low presence of women in the maritime sector , several associations have held conferences to boost the presence of women in both maritime and port industries. In addition, the IMO, which supports the gender equality and the empowerment of women through specific scholarships for women, has a program called ” Women in Maritime “ since 1988 that seeks to women achieve high positions in the sector by teaching courses and formation programs. The last event was formed by talks on management, logistics, security, marketing, tariffs, among other topics.

However, the situation is changing little by little: there are more and more women who choose to be engineers or board ships to sail, not only occupy traditional positions such as administrative.

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